State Space: Rules for Operating with Vectors


  • “Vector Space” has two rules for operating on vectors
    • first rule: vector addition

      In \(1\) variable, we have, say \(X_1\) and \(X_2\), two numbers. We know how to add two numbers, so we can make a new \(1\)-vector "\(X_1 + X_2\)" in the same space

    • second rule: scalar multiplication.

      multiplication of a \(1\)-vector by a number. (called a “scalar”)

  • units in state spaces

  • 2-vectors

    how to add \( (S_1, T_1) \) to \( (S_2, T_2) \) to get \( (S_3, T_3) \)

  • geometry
    • adding two \(1\)-vectors geometrically in state space
    • multiplying a \(1\)-vector by a scalar